Social Infomeik


(Español) Participamos en Huerto Solidario en Valencia

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(Español) El diseño web y estrategia en marketing digital

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(Español) 3 pilares esenciales del Marketing Emocional para tu marca

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(Español) Tendencias actuales en Marketing Digital en 2024

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(Español) 3 tendencias de marketing digital para la temporada navideña

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(Español) La importancia de la publicidad móvil en las campañas de Black Friday y Navidad

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(Español) 8 claves para sacarle provecho al Email Marketing

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(Español) El desconocimiento del SEO y el SEM perjudicando a pymes y pequeños negocios

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(Español) La clave del éxito en marketing: Cómo la medición precisa impulsa tus estrategias

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(Español) Migra tu web a Google Analytics 4

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(Español) Diseño web minimalista: transmitiendo mensajes claros y efectivos

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(Español) Los beneficios de implementar chatbots en tu sitio web

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(Español) Cómo crear una estrategia de marketing de contenidos efectiva

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(Español) Storytelling para tu marca. Contar historias siempre atraerá nuevos clientes.

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(Español) Reputación online, reseñas positivas y negativas

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(Español) Consejos para aumentar tus esfuerzos de marketing digital en la temporada de invierno

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(Español) Encuestas de WhatsApp para mejorar tus ventas

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(Español) Aumentar ventas en Black Friday con marketing digital

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(Español) Incluir un chatbot en tu estrategia de marketing digital

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(Español) Consejos para mejorar el rendimiento de una web

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(Español) Cómo ser más visible en los stories de Intagram

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(Español) Cómo usar WhatsApp en Instagram para conseguir más ventas

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(Español) ¿Youtube o Twitch?

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(Español) Estrategia de marketing 360 ¿Qué aporta a tu empresa?

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Conoce el Kit Digital para la digitalización de pymes y autónomos

En el año 2020, el 78% de las pymes españolas no tenían página web lo que supuso una enorme desventaja frente a empresas de mayor tamaño tras la aparición de la Covid-19. Para solventar estas diferencias, el Gobierno lanza el programa Kit Digital para pymes y autónomos con el fin de apoyar la digitalización de las pequeñas y medianas empresas. Este

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8 ideas marketing bajo presupuesto San Valentín

¿Quieres hacer algo especial por San Valentín y no te vienen las ideas? Nosotros te damos algunos consejos sobre cómo usar el marketing en tu empresa por el 14 de febrero, y de una manera muy económica. 8 ideas de marketing para tu empresa para San Valentín Envía una Newsletter. Utiliza el correo para hacer campaña por San Valentín. Decora

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6 mejores campañas de Marketing por San Valentín

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(Español) 3 formatos publicitarios de YouTube

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(Español) 5 claves para aumentar las ventas en la época veraniega

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(Español) 15+1 palabras para vender más en internet

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(Español) Infomeik en el mapa de empresas innovadoras

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(Español) 12 estrategias de VideoMarketing para el día de la madre que emocionan

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(Español) 6 tipos de estrategia en el WhatsApp Marketing

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(Español) 3 técnicas de venta que ya no funcionan

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(Español) 5 técnicas de ventas eficaces para tu empresa

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(Español) 5 tips de marketing digital para networkers de éxito

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(Español) Estrategias e ideas de marketing para tu empresa en Black Friday

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(Español) 8 diferencias entre el Marketing Tradicional y el Marketing Online

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5 tips for managing criticism and negative comments on social media

  There are very few companies that do not have a presence in social networks, and you have to know how to manage well the communication between the company and the customers, whether positive or negative. Today we are going to give you some tips so that you know how to manage those negative comments, which many times you do

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What is the difference between followers and fans on Facebook?

In this post, we will explain what the difference between the two is and what is better for brands. Facebook fans When a Facebook user is interested in the brand or the content of a Fan Page, they will surely press the “Like” button. This means that the user will receive in his news all the information published on the

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What is the Instagram feed? How can I make an Instagram feed?

Today June 30 is World Social Media Day and what better way to celebrate it than talking about one of them, Instagram. More specifically we will talk about the Instagram feed, do you know what it is? What is an Instagram feed? It is the first thing that is seen in your content on your profile when someone visits it. That is

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5 reasons to use video in web design

A few years ago it was unthinkable to put a video on the web, it could slow down the load to the extreme. Also if you wanted to download a video, it could take several days. Now that no longer happens, technological evolution has made it possible for us to see even high-quality movies in streaming. Having the video resource

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What are the keys to developing a powerful WhatsApp marketing campaign?

In the previous post we saw what were the characteristics and advantages of carrying out a WhatsApp marketing campaign, today we explain the keys for that marketing campaign on WhatsApp to be successful. 8 keys to achieving a successful WhatsApp Marketing campaign Define the objectives well. Being clear about what the objectives of your campaign will be is necessary. You will

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WhatsApp marketing what is it? Features and Benefits

What is WhatsApp Business? What are the characteristics and advantages of WhatsApp marketing? According to a 2019 Hootsuite and We Are Social report, WhatsApp was the most used social network by the Spanish population after YouTube. A WhatsApp marketing campaign is based on exploiting the particularities of the platform with direct communication between the client and the company. Although it is

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Tools to stay connected with your customers – Video Calls

What is the best platform for video conferencing? We are living in times in which the importance of knowing how to reinvent our business is very important. Through video calls we can continue working, since they allow us to have a close, direct communication, see the reactions of our interlocutors, we avoid wasting time and thus save costs. But what

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Combine online and offline channelsHow to use Bizum to sell online

What is Bizum? Surely you have already heard about the famous Bizum, but maybe you don’t know how to use it to take advantage of it in your eCommerce. First, we are going to explain what Bizum is and then we will tell you what are the advantages it has to sell online. Bizum is a Spanish payment company in

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Marketing: today more necessary than ever. Keys to success with marketing in times of crisis.

Have you noticed that big companies never stop marketing? No matter what happens, a percentage of their turnover will always be earmarked for marketing. If there is a new scenario in which you have to sell your products and/or services change with it. You must adapt to the new times Detect changes in the habits of your users and the

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Incognito mode Google Maps for Android and IOS

Do you want to keep more control over your privacy when surfing? Using the incognito mode Google will not be able to : For a few weeks now, Google Maps users in Android have been able to enjoy this addition they have made to the App, so that just as nothing remains of the sites you have visited on the

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Marketing Video Today in Infomeik we are going to talk about video marketing… What is it and what is it for? What does our company get from using video marketing techniques? On what video platforms do we usually work these techniques? And finally What types of videos are there? In this article, we will talk about all those questions that many

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Are you using the full potential of WhatsApp Business?

WhatsApp Business is already with us and is an excellent customer service tool, you just need to make the most of it. WhatsApp Business is a new platform for companies whose beta version began to be tested in September last year, and which began to be tested in Spain only a month later. We have always used WhastApp to contact

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6 essential features for a successful website

if you have a website or online store, you need a good strategy to position your brand among the best and help you get more customers. But the strategy must be defined before the first stroke of your website or online store and there are things planned from the beginning that will make your branding website and also Quality Traffic

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Virus and hackers

Viruses are malicious programs and have been created by a person to damage, modify, or even copy files from other devices. It is usually an executable that users download and open without knowing it, the virus takes control of our computer and there begins the infection of our device that spreads to our mail, our web and destroys everything it

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Mistakes made by conducting email marketing campaigns

Email marketing is one of the most important pillars of digital marketing and, according to Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook Creator), an incredibly effective for reaching customers. So important is that the Marketing Land portal states that 77% of people prefer email before any other channel. But at eCommerce we are not only talking about promotions, but also about carts recovery. About

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Create your phone APP with us

“Create your phone APP with Infomeik” Spain, tops the list of European countries in the use of phones with a 66% Cup. Consumer behaviour has changed and the influence that mobile phones have on our decisions when buying a product or a service is increasing.   The market for mobile applications continues to grow . A study carried out by

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“Podcasts” A business opportunity for you

What is a podcast?- A podcast is a digital or audio file that we periodically upload in series, dealing with a theme, and normally we can download them by subscribing to the web or channel. The word podcast comes from the English-language mix of iPod and Broadcast. Although before you had to have an iPod to listen to them, nowadays

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10 essential Prestashop modules in your online store

As users of store online in Prestashop </ strong > We are very familiar with the word “modules”, surely you will have heard of many modules, but what exactly is a module? It is an extension that extends the functionality of our software or online store . With them we can customize the displayed content, perform tasks and even connect

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Podcast – Recording and Editing

“ Podcasts” A business opportunity for you. In Infomeik we have a studio that allows us to record all the programs you need in both audio and video. The important thing is to find interesting topics that offer quality content to your users so you can get to know yourself. If we help you create your podcast you can get

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9 reasons to create a commercial APP in your company

In the mid-90s people were wondering, should my company have a website ? And time answered that question. Nowadays, technology has advanced so much that it makes our life easier in every way, in fact with a simple mobile phone we can do things that we didn’t dream of 10 years ago, even movies that win the Sundance prize filmed

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It’s already Christmas in your online store

We started watching Christmas everywhere: television ads, streets and shops. The windows change completely, but if you have an online store you will not be less. It is not a showcase at street level, of course, but it may have more impact and more visibility than one that is. The e-commerce is the new reality, and we must adapt to

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Social networks dress up for Christmas

We are at the gates of the parties more familiar, emotional and commercial of the year, cities are dressed with lights and ornaments, but not only physically. If we take a look through the screen of our smartphone , our tablet or our computer, we will see everywhere ads with reference to Christmas , especially in the social networks with

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You still don’t know what Transmedia is?

It is the new way of telling stories that is being used on the internet. It is the new way to catch the user to listen to you in this changing and hyperconnected world. You tell your story considering that you face a user who knows everything, who likes to interact, create content, give your opinion and knowing that you

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Video traffic is getting stronger every day

As time goes by, video traffic grows more and more. Videos are becoming more viral than a static image. It is believed that 80% of internet traffic for the year 2019 will be generated by the videos, which indicates that if we want to make a company known, we must stick to the new trend, and miss a strategy in

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10 Marketing Tips that everyone should be clear about before starting

After 10 years in the world of Digital Marketing there are many people we talk to every day because they want to optimize their presence on the Internet: have a better presence, have a website that reports benefits and create strategies that allow bequeatting to more users. All of them eager to explore and launch their businesses in this world

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3 Things you can’t stop doing in Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing is in fashion and all companies must have a good online strategy that allows them to attract customers. But what are the fundamentals for all your Online Marketing actions to succeed? In Infomeik we give you some tips that you cannot ignore.   1) Planning: All companies know they must have a website and a good internet marketing

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YouTube Connect, Live Videos

With YouTube, the social network par excellence for videos, we can also stream live videos. The retransmission of videos is not just a matter of Twitter and Facebook also has YouTube, apparently no social network wants to be left behind, having users happy is very important because they are increasingly demanding in terms of quality and originality. Google also joins

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Calendar to make promotions in your online store

In all online store it is essential to have a good strategy to get more sales. Among all the strategies you can plan it is essential that you have a calendar of special dates that will allow you to create specific promotions for each date and will help increase the recurrence of customer purchase in your online store Get ready

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4 essential tips for your website

  The creation of a website or online store is a very important factor for all companies.   We have always said that if you are not there you do not exist, but in these current times you no longer only have to be, as important as being is the way you are, the way you present yourself to users

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How to make your online store sell more this Christmas

At Infomeik we want your online store to ensure success and that is only possible if you have an effective strategy. At Christmas many shops and online stores get the best sales of the year, growing up to 132.5% according to Xopie; so if you have not yet taken action on the matter, get down to work right now, putting

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New Google+ image

We all know that Facebook and Twitter are the most used and known social networks by all users. Today we will talk about another less used Google+, some comments predicted that Google would make Google+ disappear, but the truth is that they have made many changes to improve it, not only created a different page “about me” as if it

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Mobile Marketing, your company needs it

Mobile phones are becoming increasingly important, the use of these devices has exploded in recent years and has become a key element in online sales. Many are already consumers who use these devices to buy products on their mobiles, watch videos and images from their terminals, therefore the mobile is the most common device and to which they most resort,

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We want to tell your story

Telling and listening to stories is something we are all used to, there is no better way to learn. the best television advertisements go to stories, then just by seeing a poster in any corner you recognize the story and the product associated with it. A story consists of three components: characters, environment and events. Characters: in the history of

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Video profile on FACEBOOK

Facebook , the most important social network , recently announced some of the new features and news that it will have, the most prominent is that the video would become a fundamental part of this social network . “PROFILE VIDEO” each user can put a video of up to 7 seconds as a personal image. What is known for now

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With a video you sell more

videos are increasingly common in online advertisements, online stores and websites . Younger people are attracted to a brand by the originality and added value of advertising; and the videos give us those tools that make a difference. Betting on a video for your business or for your company can be the best starting point. According to the results of

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Have you already named a heir to your Facebook account?

What about the Facebook accounts of people who have died? They become empty accounts, without any movement, or updates. Now in Europe and America you are already in the Facebook account settings choose, the “legacy contact” once you have passed away. This legacy contact can manage the account. But this is only one option that you can choose in the

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