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(Español) Infomeik participará en el evento Interflora junto a Infertosa este octubre

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(Español) Participamos en Huerto Solidario en Valencia

Sorry, this entry is only available in Español.


(Español) 3 pilares esenciales del Marketing Emocional para tu marca

Sorry, this entry is only available in Español.


(Español) Encuestas de WhatsApp para mejorar tus ventas

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(Español) Estrategia de marketing 360 ¿Qué aporta a tu empresa?

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Conoce el Kit Digital para la digitalización de pymes y autónomos

En el año 2020, el 78% de las pymes españolas no tenían página web lo que supuso una enorme desventaja frente a empresas de mayor tamaño tras la aparición de la Covid-19. Para solventar estas diferencias, el Gobierno lanza el programa Kit Digital para pymes y autónomos con el fin de apoyar la digitalización de las pequeñas y medianas empresas. Este

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YouTube Shorts. Te contamos que es.

¿Qué es esto de Youtube Shorts? Seguramente te has dado cuenta de que últimamente, en tu aplicación de YouTube aparece una sección de videos cortos muy graciosos. Esta es una de las nuevas funciones espectaculares que Google ha incorporado en YouTube.  Hoy vamos a contarte todo lo que debes saber de YouTube Shorts. ¡Así que quédate con nosotros! Youtube ha

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¿Cómo crear un enlace directo de suscripción en YouTube?

¡Hola gente! ¡Muy buenas! Supongo que si estás aquí, es porque eres un creador de contenido en YouTube. Youtube es una herramienta perfecta de marketing para tu negocio o empresa. Como habrás leído en el título, hoy te vamos a enseñar un excelente truco para que los demás usuarios lo tengan mucho más fácil a la hora de suscribirse a

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(Español) ¿Por qué usar más el vídeo en vertical?

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(Español) 5 técnicas de ventas eficaces para tu empresa

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(Español) Felicitaciones de navidad y año nuevo para fidelizar clientes

Sorry, this entry is only available in Español.


DuckDuckGo, the future Android search engine in the EU

Yes, the European justice system fined Google $5 billion a couple of years ago for setting up its own search engine (Google Chrome), on all Android devices. Android is actually an operating system bought by Google, so it is theirs… But according to European regulations, this practice is illegal in Europe due to antitrust rules. European regulations have forced Google

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Incognito mode Google Maps for Android and IOS

Do you want to keep more control over your privacy when surfing? Using the incognito mode Google will not be able to : For a few weeks now, Google Maps users in Android have been able to enjoy this addition they have made to the App, so that just as nothing remains of the sites you have visited on the

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Create Facebook Instagram shopping and shop catalog

In the previous article we talked about Instagram Shopping, explained what it was about and what its advantages were. We said we would continue with the topic… so in this article we will talk about how we can install and configure it. – Is Instagram Shopping enabled for my country? The first thing we should know is that not all

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Instagram shopping how can we install it?

It is one of the most important tools when selling your products online, but many people have no idea what it is even using Instagram… then we thought we would dedicate a couple of articles to the subject: we’ll start by explaining what it is and what the important function it serves to sell our products online. And in the

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Let’s talk about the conversion funnel. What is it?

The conversion funnel also called the conversion funnel is a term of online Marketing that tries to define all the different steps a user or company has to take to meet a specific goal within your website. In short, by creating a sales funnel I represent how I sell my products from the first contact to the closing of the

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How to identify typographic fonts?

You liked the font you saw, but you don’t know what it is and you want to use it. We give you the tricks to discover the fonts you like the most. Very easy, there are many different possibilities for you to find out… Many people come to us with this doubt, so we decided to create an article to

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Creating an Omnichannel strategy for your company is the best solution

Technology advances by leaps and bounds and is integrated into our daily routine with total normality. Each user has several devices, we watch TV while answering messages and review our social networks. As we move forward on this path of constant innovation and new ways of seeing things, technology becomes more important for our daily lives. With our clients exactly

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What a web page can do for your company

It is incredible to think that in the middle of 2019 there are companies that still do not have their presence on the network, without a website, or some may have had it for many years without having renewed it, and thus more than 15 years. 15 years ago, having a website was just a tool that helped your company,

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With an online store you increase your sales

A physical store has its advantages, but also a great disadvantage, and the availability of a physical store is limited in terms of its schedules. Instead, an online store is always available, 24 hours, without stopping, without rest. If you add an online sales channel to your physical store your customers will never be left wanting to buy that product

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With video online marketing is easier

Many are the companies that have seen the benefits of having a video, but there are some that still resist the impact power that resource has. Thanks to a video you can reach a large number of users, the still image was full of information, now the trend is the video, but not a long video or a thick video

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E-commerce Calendar 2019

In the world of commerce you never rest, the competition is so huge that if you really want to succeed you must take every opportunity to generate sales and achieve success, so in Infomeik we have created the e-commerce 2019 calendar that will help you to all important dates by hand to create a promotional strategy in your online store.

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How to fix the blunders in my social networks

In the times we live if you make a mistake is more noticeable…or people make it more noticeable. Before your clients and friends in your neighborhood had experiences very similar to yours, a very similar education, similar families and selling your products and services was easier because you sold them to people very similar to you. Now you have the

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Podcast – Recording and Editing

“ Podcasts” A business opportunity for you. In Infomeik we have a studio that allows us to record all the programs you need in both audio and video. The important thing is to find interesting topics that offer quality content to your users so you can get to know yourself. If we help you create your podcast you can get

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9 reasons to create a commercial APP in your company

In the mid-90s people were wondering, should my company have a website ? And time answered that question. Nowadays, technology has advanced so much that it makes our life easier in every way, in fact with a simple mobile phone we can do things that we didn’t dream of 10 years ago, even movies that win the Sundance prize filmed

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7 Reasons to fall in love with Digital Marketing

    Today is Valentine’s day and love is on the air, so we have decided to tell our readers the reasons why we are in love with our work. 1-we know many people: our work involves getting to know many people, their companies, products and/or services, and the first beneficiaries are us. That is why we thank all the

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III Mapa de las redes sociales de iRedes

En el ayuntamiento de Burgos se ha presentado un estudio minucioso sobre las redes sociales  y el impacto que esto provoca en la sociedad actual. Según la imagen que enseñaron,  Chiqui Esteban y con la ayuda de Francisco Quirós en documentación.  Veremos los siguiente.     El que mas presencia e impacto tiene entre las redes sociales es Facebook  con

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Video Marketing-Christmas Greetings Infomeik

2016 is coming to an end and in Infomeik we want to thank all those people who trusted our Digital Marketing Company during this year 2016. First of all, we would like to thank our collaborators because every day they strive with us, giving us their experience and their desire to give everything. To our suppliers who make it easier

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20 tips to increase sales in your online store

If you create an online store you can’t sit back and wait for traffic to come and sell. What you must achieve is to attract traffic, that they think that there is no other online store like yours, that they buy and that they buy again whenever they see your products. The Infomeik team wants to advise you to make

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Calendar to make promotions in your online store

In all online store it is essential to have a good strategy to get more sales. Among all the strategies you can plan it is essential that you have a calendar of special dates that will allow you to create specific promotions for each date and will help increase the recurrence of customer purchase in your online store Get ready

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Buy online safely this Christmas

The most anticipated parties for children and adults are approaching; many of us have already begun to buy gifts and see in different online stores that our loved ones, invisible friends, suppliers and friends may like … and if I follow the List does not end. The illusion with which we buy each of the gifts is unique, and the

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Customer testimonials for your website or online store

Customer testimonials are very important to strengthen confidence in your products or services, the benefits they provide are more than obvious:   Increase credibility, which leads to even greater conversion and therefore sales   They improve the positioning as they increase the time that each visitor stays on your website … and that makes Google cool!   Let you know

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How to generate customer opinions in your online store

The best advertising for your online store is the Word of mouth Who has not bought a product because it has been recommended by a friend or relative? In the online world opinions have become totally relevant. Having a good talk about your products helps build trust in users. Opinions are one more reason to capture the interest of users

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Infomeik Contest – Free Video

  If you want to get a free video for your company participate in our contest


Do not be surprised by the new change of the algorithm of Google!

GOOGLE updates its algorithm about 500 times a year, sometimes they are only small adjustments other times these updates can disrupt your positioning in the search engine. Therefore it is essential to be alert, and do not neglect the SEO using good practices, let yourself be advised by a professional and thus avoid the terrible penalties of Google. Stay up

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Twitter will improve geolocation of tweets with Foursquare

Today Twitter posts tweets on its social network reporting that it will soon offer users the possibility to geolocalize their tweets. Although it was a rumor today, it’s News confirmed by the Blue Bird’s own social network. We translate the tweet they have accompanied with an explanatory video: “we are working with Foursquare so that you can label specific places

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Twitter glossary by Infomeik

Today we want you to learn to use a Twitter correctly. What makes this social network important is its micromensages, it’s like we write SMS. We only have 140 characters to write our news and that impact those who are. Twitter is a social news network, you know what happens in the world at the same time as it is

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Shop Online

If you want to get rid of the competition, or you need your online store to have unique and perfectly defined features, Infomeik can help you. & nbsp; Taking into account what you imagined for your project we do a market study, metrics, usability studies and everything you need to make your online store unique sea and succeed. & nbsp;

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Consulting in Digital Marketing

Do you need a digital marketing strategy for your company? You have a website and you don’t know how to improve it? Do you want your website to be a marketing tool to grow your business? You want to sell more in your online store and you don’t know how?   At Infomeik we offer the service of digital marketing

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Bonus hours

We know how important it is to always have updated your website or online store and we also know that you don’t always have time or you don’t handle the design tools properly.   That’s why we’ve thought about the hours bonuses solution that you can buy for our professionals to write news, design banners, newsletters, offers and everything you

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Páginas Web WordPress

Today every day you need to have your website with all the necessary and up-to-date information. A websiteweb must be dynamic and you must be able to dump the information instantly.   In Infomeik our experienced programmers can work with any CMS both free and custom made, so we can also offer you this option, have your website in WordPress.

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Video Storytelling

A good way to get the customers caught is to tell them a story.   There are different ways to tell a story, if you do it in the form of video success will be assured.   The success of your VIDEO Storytelling will depend on these factors: prepare a video short of no more than 2 minutes prepares a

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Video Tutorial

Tutorials are an excellent way to teach and learn. More and more people access Youtube to watch videos that teach them how to do things… videos are used more because they make the process more dynamic, you can see the steps to follow in detail and pause when you need to.   With a video tutorial you can teach clearly

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Video Testimonial

The testimonial video is based on interviews that highlight the virtues of your company, products and / or services.   In the testimonial video we seek to provide trust and security to customers and users of your website.   What better presentation than listening to the experiences of people working in your company and those of your customers told in

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Product videos

Product and service presentation videos   This type of video is a clear and attractive way to present your products and services.   product videos and services are characterized for being especially useful in online stores as they convince the customer, increase the time spent on the web, generate repeated visits, generate social media visits, loyalty customers, share content.  

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Online Reputation

Do you know what they say about your brand or person on the internet?   Companies have lost control of all information about them on the internet. Anyone can write an opinion on your brand, your products, your services, your employees, and Google will Index words that link you to those comments.   It is very important for companies to

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In Construction


Content Marketing

The marketing of content has begun a new stage, it must now be in a marketing very focused on the social environment.   If you want to do content marketing the first thing you have to ask yourself is that your customers, your web users, your followers need…that people who have contact with your brand need. How can you bring

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In Construction


Infomeik Solidario

At Infomeik we are committed to non-profit projects that benefit Society. We are determined to work for a better world.   We contribute with what we do… we design websites, videos, banners, cards, posters, work as volunteers, give training and even organize solidarity events, collaborating with various institutions that work for the benefit of those who need it most.  

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Marketing Video

Video has become an essential tool in making marketing.   If you want to publicize your brand, product and/or service and your company, it is very important to use strategies and tools that work, and the video marketing works.   Content in video is becoming a valuable resource of online marketing and having a video to make online marketing is

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Simple Post Item

Praesent velit tellus, adipiscing et, blandit convallis, dictum at, dui. Integer suscipit tortor in orci. Phasellus consequat. Quisque dictum convallis pede. Mauris viverra scelerisque mauris. Nulla facilisis, elit malesuada pretium egestas, dolor arcu commodo est, at egestas massa tortor ut ante. Etiam eget libero. Aenean pretium, tellus sed sodales semper, turpis purus aliquet orci, pulvinar ornare odio tortor sit amet

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Is my data protected on social media?

We always advise our customers on how to protect their data as best as possible..although today, if you’re on social media, you know that everything you write, comment or share is analyzed. Facebook analyzes your data, there are numerous companies that are dedicated to making statistics of the tastes, hobbies and interests of users. Since yesterday the hot topic is

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Infomeik Networking

Infomeik is part of the Koi Leadership networking Group, being a founding member and is the Public Relations Coordinator. Every week we meet with a group of entrepreneurs, we exchange opinions, we know how each one works and we present our products and services. Word-of-mouth marketing is very important, so on our website we also leave a list of some

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Growth of e-commerce

E-commerce has grown by 10% every quarter since 2010. Users are increasingly relying on online commerce, which is why there has been a quarterly growth of at least 10% in the sector.  The most outstanding are the purchase of clothing or accessories, sports, health, personal care or subscriptions to digital content. Mobile commerce has been greatly favored by the growth

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Modules Prestashop Own

At Infomeik we develop custom modules for our customers.   If you need any special programming in your online store, our team of programmers can make all the necessary modifications to adapt Prestashop to your product.   Our team has analyzed and adapted the store’s programming to all the special features required by our customers.


Turnkey Online Shop

If you don’t want to worry about anything, we can take care of everything.   In the online shops turnkey The Infomeik team develops the whole project from start to finish and delivers you a online shop ready to sell your products.   We analyze the project, do a market study to know what is the best way to promote your

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Offer Hosting

Hiring your online store in Infomeik get the domain and the service hosting for a year. See the conditions, we will be happy to assist you.


Online Prestashop Shop

At Infomeik we want all companies to have their online shop, so we have specialized in Prestashop, the best e-commerce platform.


Paid advertising per click

The search engine marketing or SEM (Search Engine Marketing) allows you to create pay per click campaigns by paying only the visits generated from ads.   These types of campaigns are structured to be shown to potential customers.   These types of ads allow a wide Segmentation: by keywords, by countries, cities, languages, schedules…   Google Adwords is the Google

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Budget Online Store

    We are specialists in the creation of online shops and e-commerce management. We have a portfolio of customers all over the world who support our work and encourage us to overcome each day. To request your virtual store Budget use the form on the right. Example of custom virtual store in Prestashop:     We improve any budget!


Design Online Shop, Accessories, Trucks – VALENCIA

Online store design, online sale of truck accessories.


Design Shop Online Dental Material – MADRID

Creation of the online shop for the sale of dental material in Madrid.



Increasing visits to your website can guarantee the constant incorporation of new customers.


Social Media Marketing

It identifies new market opportunities and makes strategic decisions.


Corporate Image design

Every company must have its own identity in order to be recognized.


Graphic Design

Convey a concrete idea through the perfect union between images and words.


Corporate Video

Innovative audiovisual solutions to promote your companies Corporate Video


Web design autodministrable


Visit Our Facebook Page


Create an Online Store

Why hire an online store with Infomeik®? Because we have more than 10 years of experience in the creation of Online Stores, and we have developed a tool for e-commerce very complete and versatile, technology based PrestaShop with more than 125000 online stores that are installed all over the world.  We are confident that our Online Store will fit perfectly

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Happy Holidays


Design Online Stores Castellón

If you are thinking of selling your products through a online shop we advise you to leave your e-commerce project in the hands of professionals. Internet sales are complex and involve both customers and banks. Do not be fooled by instant solutions, for a virtual store to work there is a way to go and in Infomeik we offer you

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Virtual Shops

We are specialists in virtual shops:

If you are thinking of marketing your products through a virtual store we advise you to leave your e-commerce project in the hands of professionals.
Some of the virtual shops we have developed are: Spanish nails virtual shop, Alfatara virtual shops, artisanal lamp virtual shop, Aly virtual shop, Artisans of the sweet virtual shop, the Comuniquer virtual shop and many others…


Videos for company

At Infomeik we offer a wide range of innovative audiovisual solutions to promote your company, products or services through videos for business.

This way of advertising is widespread among companies and brings ample advantages due to its direct and clear impact when presenting the information.

We make videos for the promotion of your company, stands, fairs, congresses, inaugurations, presentations, launch of new products, etc.


Online Marketing

Advertising design for email.


Search engine positioning

More and more users are getting information online before buying a product or contracting a service. The Internet is a great opportunity and can help you reach new customers on an even larger scale. You have probably already taken your first step, investing in a website, hoping that it will provide you with new customers and New Sales.