E-commerce has grown by 10% every quarter since 2010. Users are increasingly relying on online commerce, which is why there has been a quarterly growth of at least 10% in the sector.  The most outstanding are the purchase of clothing or accessories, sports, health, personal care or subscriptions to digital content.

Mobile commerce has been greatly favored by the growth of recent years as well as tablets. Now in these times mobile phones are a powerful tool when it comes to shopping. EBATES is a leading company of selling online, it showed that nearly 50 % of customers made purchases using a mobile device, because they considered that in this way, saved more, and added that another of the advantages of mobile commerce is that you could redeem coupons for discounts, notifications of discounts.

More and more there is a remarkable evolution of online sales so that many companies look optimistic and to their offline trade a online shop.

The possibilities for those who bet on a online shop are increased by their presence on the internet, reaching more users and adapting to their needs.

More and more small businesses want to increase their sales and call us to receive from Infomeik advice and budgets to create their online shops.

In Infomeik we offer: personalized advice, quality and experience.

Don’t hesitate to contact us.