It’s time, put an online store in your life

According to a study conducted by the CNMC in the first quarter of 2014 alone, the e-commerce in Spain grew by 26.8% compared to the same period last year. For the fourth consecutive quarter sales atonline shops grew in our country.

If you are thinking of selling online you have to know that the market is very receptive, but the success of your online sales will depend not only on your willingness to sell.

When creating youronline store you must take into account your product, theonline store < /strong> you need, a strategy and the investment in marketing you need.

If you’re going to start with your online store the first thing you have to take into account are these must-see:

1-design: whoever says that design doesn’t matter is not true. The quality of the design will possess your brand in the market and make the difference between success and failure. A good design will create a positive image in users ‘ minds.

2-usability: usability measures the quality of the experience the user has when interacting with your website. The online store must be intuitive, simple to use. The information must be fully in view, don’t let your customers feel that there are hidden or difficult things to find.

3-navigation: loading speed is very important, so it is important to consider programming, design, and server.

4-product presentation: you must present your products as if they were in the window of a luxury store; photos and descriptions must be perfect. Users should have a real view of the product.

5-contact information and sales policies: theonline shop should not have “small print”, service policy, company management, changes and returns…everything should be completely transparent.

If the key part of your strategy is the customer you will get better sales in your online shop.