Tag: youtube


(Español) ¿Youtube o Twitch?

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YouTube Shorts. Te contamos que es.

¿Qué es esto de Youtube Shorts? Seguramente te has dado cuenta de que últimamente, en tu aplicación de YouTube aparece una sección de videos cortos muy graciosos. Esta es una de las nuevas funciones espectaculares que Google ha incorporado en YouTube.  Hoy vamos a contarte todo lo que debes saber de YouTube Shorts. ¡Así que quédate con nosotros! Youtube ha

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Corporate video Yes or No? Helping my company

Today this tool is essential for a company, because it is one of the best ways to strengthen and enhance the business Image, think that it is an interesting way to reach new customers, and more if we live in a globalized world where multimedia has a great impact power. Many companies make the mistake of thinking that making a

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III Map of the social networks of iRedes

A detailed study on social networks and the impact this has had on today’s society has been presented at the Town Hall of Burgos. According to the image they taught, Chiqui Esteban and with the help of Francisco Quirós in documentation. The biggest presence and impact among social networks is Facebook with 1,060 million, followed by Youtube with 800 million,

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